Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 random facts about me

Ouxu tagged me on Facebook but I thought it would be a fun blog thing to.

1. i don't like to talk in public transport.
2. i love reading quotes.
3. actually, i don't even like itunes but still use it all the time.
4. friends say i have to buy new shoes cause i've like 245413 holes in them but i really don't care lol.
5. i love wearing boy tshirts.
6. i don't wear boots and never will.
7. i love to watch tvshows about cooking.
8. i freak out when i see a spider or anything like that. there's a video of me freakin out about a fake spider (friends made it up...), not goin to give it to ya though :D
9. i have no idea if my name has a meaning or not... that's btw like the first thing people who don't know me ask.
10. i can't get enough of FRIENDS. i've watched every episode like 10 times (or more...) and i still do.
11. i hate miley cyrus... for some reason?
12. i am a lefty.
13. i don't like to eat after 7 pm.
14. i am a perfectionist.
15. i don't mind cleaning up, i like it clean :)
16. i could never everrrr live without internet.
17. i prefer winter over summer.
18. i hate to go on pictures but i love to take them and annoy other people with it lol.
19. i think Ouxu has beautiful hands, don't ask.
20. i am getting tired of this list. why did you tagged me O?! kidding.
21. my favorite singer is John Mayer.
22. i can't drink alcohol either (Ouxu!). it's this weird thing a lot of asians have. don't care though, i think it's nasty anyway.
23. i love to do pilates & yoga, thanks to Chungmei :)
24. i am jealous of my bro's english.
25. i love facebook's layout lol. hyves' layout is fugly.

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